
Start a Fire.

Will you light the flame to a life of fulfillment and abundance? I'm here to help.

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From ordinary to extraordinary.

The art of maintaining a roaring fire demands the right ingredients: precise kindling, an apt environment, and a mastery of fueling and sustaining the fire.

After 40 years in the trenches, and five corporate leadership roles, I stepped back from corporate life and looked at the impact my leadership style had on my teams. Having always believed in a servant leadership approach, I saw the effect my belief in others had in their beliefs about themselves, and I thought, "What if I could foster self-confidence in others outside of the workplace? What if I could help others kindle, fuel, and sustain their own personal fire?

Read my Story
light your spark

Read all the leadership and self-help books?

You just haven't read the right one - yet.

Are you looking for a way to stoke your fire?
A clearer understanding of your passion and purpose in life?
A solid rock to stand on for your future

See the Collection

Available on Amazon


Teams aren't just led - they are ignited by a Firestarter! Learn how to kindle your team's fire.
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Unbundle It

Unbundle the root cause of our innate ability to create complexity in life and business. and
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From Fear to Fullfillment

Is it possible to live by faith, value family, and fight for our freedom in today's culture?
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Fuel your fire

Fan the blaze.


Feed the flame.

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